Ms. Neuner's Science Classes

Chemistry 03
Living Env.
Chemistry 02
Chemistry 03
Chemistry Honors
Env. Science

Class Notes from 9/8-9/16
Matter: anything that has mass and volume
Mass: the amount of material in an object
lUsually measured in grams
Volume: the amount of space taken up by an object
lUsually measured in liters
Therefore, matter is anything that contains material and takes up space
Two pieces of matter cannot exist in the same space

Types of Matter
1. Elements
lCannot be broken down into simpler parts by chemical means
l118 different elements
2. Compounds
lCan be broken down into simpler parts by chemical means
lMany different compounds

Mixtures are always composed of two or more pure substances
Some characteristics of mixtures:
l1.  The substances can be elements or compounds
2.  The ratio of the components of the mixture are not fixed
lCan contain as much of substance A and B as you want
3.  The properties of a mixture are always mid-way between those of its components
l If A boils at 100°C, and B boils at 50°C, the mixture will boil around 75°C
4.  A mixture can be homogeneous or heterogeneous

Homogeneous: the mixture is the same no matter where you look
lAlso called a solution
lEx: iced tea mix in water
Heterogeneous: the mixture is different in different areas
lEx: collection of pens

Separating Mixtures
Mixtures can be separated based on the properties of the individual components
Some properties are:
lDensity: the substances float at different levels
lPolarity: one substance is attracted to positive charges, while the other is attracted to negative charges
lFreezing point: one substance will freeze before the other
lBoiling point: one substance will boil off before the other

Useful if the mixture is made up of a solid in a liquid
If left alone, the solid will settle to the bottom of the container
You can carefully pour off the liquid (decanting) 
A filter is a material that allows small particles to pass through, but traps larger particles
lContains holes of a certain size
lOnly particles smaller than the holes pass through
Liquid passes through the filter, but solids get stuck

Brita water filter takes solids out of water
Air conditioners have filters that remove dust from the air

If the mixture is homogeneous, distillation can be used
If the mixture is made of a solid and a liquid:
lThe liquid heats until it becomes steam
lThe steam is quickly cooled and collected as distillate
lThe solid remains in the flask
l Ex: salt water
If the mixture is made up of two liquids that combine, the liquids are miscible
lThe liquid with the lower boiling point is collected as the distillate
lEx: alcohol and water
Used to separate components of a mixture that have different attractions for other substances
Different components move at different speeds through the material

If the mixture is made up of two liquids that combine, the liquids are miscible
lThe liquid with the lower boiling point is collected as the distillate
lEx: alcohol and water

Used to separate components of a mixture that have different attractions for other substances
Different components move at different speeds through the material

Phases of Matter
Matter has three different phases:
Contains matter that is held in a rigid form
Has a definite volume and shape
Particles are held in fixed locations by strong attractive forces
True solids have a crystalline structure
Particles are not held together as rigidly as those in solids
Particles are able to move past each other
No definite shape, but has a definite volume
Takes the shape of its container

St. Edmund Preparatory HS Science